PIASVC's 3rd Training of Trainers on "CLE In-House Legal Counseling and access to Justice related to land and natural resource for PIASVC project"


From 11 to 15 June 2022, the Land Information Working Group (LIWG) in coordination with Helvetas Laos held a Training of Trainers on “CLE In-House Legal Counseling and access to Justice related to land and natural resource for PIASVC project” for PIASVC project, which was led coaching during these 5 days by the Legal and Development Partnership Company together with Mennonite Central Committees Laos (MCC Laos) and BABSEACLE Laos. The training was participated by PIASVC’s sub-grantees who are LIWG's members in order to gain their experiences and knowledge before implementing activities and disseminating information in their project sites.

Small Group Working

This training helped participants increase understanding of legal counseling and access to justice regarding land and natural resources in communities, especially at village level. The content of this training focuses on legal rights and legal issues regarding land and natural resources, grievance mechanism, inspection mechanism, mediation mechanism, the roles of community based paralegal, and pro bono and legal aid.

Refreshment Activity

The highlight of this training was the collaboration of trainers from several stakeholders such as LDP, MCC and BABSEACLE Laos; therefore, the participants could learn and experience a variety of lessons, case studies and tools that the trainers have prepared to share in agendas throughout the 5 days.

In addition to this, the next PIASVC ToT will be held related to Contract Framing in August. All relevant activities and information of the 4th ToT will be disseminated later.

- Read more about PIASVC: https://laolandinfo.org/en/category/blog/news-update/  

Awarding certificates and closing ceremony