Impact of the LIFE project’s Coaching on Facilitation Skills and Customary Land Rights and Its Use in the Activities of the MMC


By LIFE project team

LIFE and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) have reached an agreement to work together on Land Law dissemination and land conflicts resolution, with LIFE providing ongoing training and mentoring support to strengthen MCC staff and government partners.

In 2020 and 2021, LIFE implemented several coachings to the MCC Project Team of "Strengthen Land and Agricultural Land Governance for Sustainable Development in Pek District, Xiengkhuang Province" related to customary land rights.

This case studies follows up on the understanding of customary land rights in 3 target villages of MCC in Xiengkhuang and the impact of the LIFE and MCC trainings on the understanding of the relevant law articles and the use of this knowledge at village level.

From interviews with the district team, MCC staff and villagers show that the LIFE training not only strengthens their skills as facilitators of law dissemination. But it can also have a positive impact on trainees in the ability to analyze problems in the community, assess their own abilities and readiness to adapt to the situation in the local context. This evidence could be seen from villagers reporting of the quality of the law dissemination conducted to the community such as villagers are better understood of land law, as well as the process of resolving land conflict that villagers face.

The case study is commissioned by LIFE project with the funding support from the European Union.


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