PIASVC Grievance Mechanism

The PIASVC project has established an accessible Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), to receive and facilitate resolution of concerns and grievances of project-affected people, and take all measures necessary and appropriate to resolve them in a timely and effective manner.

Grievances can be submitted through different channels, if someone believes the project is having an adverse impact on the community (e.g. the project has a negative impact on their livelihoods, behavior of project staff, inappropriate communication, lack of participation, etc.). This may also include questions asked for further project information, clarification, comments and suggestions to strengthen the project design and implementation.

The GRM is intended to record, categorize, prioritize and settle the grievances from project-affected stakeholders. It is intended to address concerns and complaints promptly and transparently, at no cost to the complainant, and without discrimination for any reports made by project affected people.

Helvetas has assigned a Grievance Coordinator (GC) to be the main point of contact for the project on Grievance. Each Sub-Grantees has also assigned an Environmental and Social Framework Focal person, with mandate on Grievance, to be the main point of contact for the project.

Several grievance channels are available to ensure the mechanism is accessible to all:

- Orally through phone call

- In person

- In writing, via email using the complaint form or via WhatsApp

Please follow the instructions below:

Tell us your issue via a link below:

Helvetas Laos

Lao Language https://forms.gle/FUd4S4T8t1F5EXX3A or scan

Email: piasvc@helvetas.org

Tel: 020 52743354

English Language https://forms.gle/vRetR2rQepuQ7B9EA or scan

Email: piasvc@helvetas.org

Tel: 020 52743354


Organisation Name Target location of PIASVC Phone Number Email Address
Association for Development of Women and Legal Education (ADWLE) Bolikhamxay 020 52 995 859 phayao2018py@gmail.com
Community Association for Salvation and Environment (CASE) Xiengkhouang 020 22340657 Chantha.apedc@gmail.com
Community Development and Environment Association (CDEA) Oudomxay 020 55605344 vannavong@gmail.com
Gender Development Association (GDA) Vientiane; Oudomxay 020 78876115 noumnimchanthalideth@gmail.com
Lao Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas Association (LaoDHRRA) & the Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Development Association (SAEDA) Xiengkhouang 020 22227595

020 99779394

thipphavongbang@gmail.com; laodhrra@gmail.com
Lao Biodiversity Association (LBA) Sekong 020 22418363 s_kingkeo@yahoo.com
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Houaphanh 020 76667039 sayphoyphanmixay@mcc.org
People with Disabilities Development Association of Xiengkhouang (PDDA-XKH) Xiengkhouang 02022340349 khamseang.pdda@gmail.com
Promote Sustainable Natural Resource Use Association (PSNUA) Xayabouly 020 52 373 738 vsengphet@gmail.com
Village Focus International (VFI) Salavan 020 56163565 hongthong@villagefocus.org
