Developments in Land Use Planning in Lao PDR since 2009



To alleviate poverty in rural communities, LUP models need to be rigorous in ensuring that farmers have sufficient agricultural land, since they often underreport their requirements to avoid land taxes. This is especially so in upland communities, in which farmers require a larger land base to ensure their food security compared to lowland farmers: in such instances, a LUP with annual shifting cultivation zones mapped out is well regarded by local officials, who are under pressure to reduce it. Since a LUP should also be an interim measure for recognizing and protecting customary and communal lands, regular monitoring is needed until a more secure legal framework is in place. Such monitoring also reinforces participation, farmer knowledge and the social contract within the community and between neighbouring villages. Quality LUP and monitoring comes at a cost, however, in terms of skills, budget and length of commitment, and CSO’s need to carefully consider whether it is the best means for them to support vulnerable communities.

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