Video: Legal Calendar as a learning tool on land and natural resources



Legal calendar is one of legal communication tools i.e. the constitution, law, decree and guidelines in the areas of land, forest, natural resource, environment and gender roles. We have produced the legal calendar since 2009 aiming to use for awareness raising for villagers to be able to access to such information, be aware on their legal protection and get involve in development projects.

Our legal Calendar is composed of illustrated pictures and legal contents that communicate about the work related to land and natural resources. Each calendar title contains some policies, laws that are easy to understand and suitable for local people around the country.

Since previous years until present days, legal calendars are distributed and disseminated widely to local community through LIWG’s members. This video tells about the importance and its impacts to local communities on access to information on laws and regulations in the areas of land and natural resources.

Watch this video with English subtitle at:

Learn more about our legal calendar at: