LIWG Newsletter Volume of October - December 2020



LIWG Newsletter covers activities from October - December 2020. It provides updates on activities implemented by the Secretariat, its members and its network related to land advocacy, natural resource protection, and the promotion of human rights related to land and natural resource tenures.

Key highlights in this issue are:

  • Legal calendar 2021 launching event
  • Women land right study in Laos launching event
  • Interactive learning and sharing lesson on land and natural resource
  • LIFE coaching on customary land rights and conflict resolution and land titling
  • Youth sharing experiences workshop on empowering ethnic youths to become agents of change in protecting land rights in their communities
  • ToT to LIWG members for the use of legal calendar 2021
  • Legal calendar 2021 launching event in Savannakhet province
  • Recommended readings and highlight news on land and natural resources in Laos
