LIWG Newsletter, issue of April - June 2021


By LIWG secretariat

LIWG Newsletter covers activities from April - June 2021 is our 11th issue. It provides updates on activities implemented by the Secretariat, its members and its network related to land advocacy, natural resource protection, and the promotion of human rights related to land and natural resource tenures.

Key highlights in this issue are:

  • Series of online sessions on the new Land Law and Forestry Law
  • Provincial networking with members in Savannakhet province
  • Online Coaching on Conflict Resolution to a partner’s organization by LIFE project and their new coming activity
  • Key activities and events from LIWG's member and partner on customary land right recognition  
  • Recommended blog stories, publications and videos
  • Highlight news on land and natural resources in Laos
  • Announcement for upcoming activities

