What is LIFE project?


The LIFE project was launched in 2014 to address these shortcomings in land policy and its implementation, and the consequent missed opportunities for Lao farmers.

LIFE was established by a broad coalition of civil society organizations (CSOs) that are members of the Land Information Working Group (LIWG). The project is hosted by Village Focus International (VFI) and implemented by a consortium of partners.

Highlights of the project:

  • LIFE excels at making complex theoretical concepts, such as articles and provisions of Lao land laws and regulations, understandable to laypersons from various backgrounds
  • LIFE’s training materials and coaching sessions are tailored to match the differing contexts and needs of each recipient
  • LIFE successfully mainstreams land issues into recipient organisations’ regular activities regardless of their primary focus. It also strengthens the land tenure security of smallholder farmers over the long term
  • LIFE’s training is designed to enable and encourage recipients to replicate the training in their communities, creating a multiplier ripple effect
  • LIFE has over time developed a team of trainers exceptionally skilled at fostering real dialogue between diverse stakeholders about land issues

Download the brochure of LIFE project below: