Training of Trainer on Land Customary Tenure in Laos

Photo by Mr. Lenol, LIFE Trainer

The Original post by MRLG

A Laos Customary Tenure Recognition (CT) workstream Training of the Trainer (ToT) was organized at the Lao Front for National Development (LFND) Training Centre during 8 – 12 June 2020, chaired by Mr. Khitlaxay Kokmila, Deputy Director General of the Department of Land (DoL).

The training was organised to support the implementation of a pilot project that is considering the recognition of land tenure rights in the 3 forest categories.  

Photo by Mr. Lenol, LIFE Trainer

The pilot project, which is taking place in three districts in Khammuane Province, will perform land allocation/land use planning, survey and cadastral mapping of all land parcels in 17 project villages, located in 3 forest categories, namely the conservation, protection and production forests.

Photo by Mr. Lenol, LIFE Trainer

The purpose of the training was to equip project personnel with tools and techniques associated with public outreach and awareness raising.

Photo by Mr. Lenol, LIFE Trainer

Fifteen participants joined the training. They are from Dept of Land (DoL), Ministry of natural resources and Environment (MONRE), Dept of Forestry (DOF) and Dept of Agricultural Land Management (DALAM) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Lao Women’s Union (LWU) and Lao Front for National Development (LFND) were trained.

Photo by Mr. Lenol, LIFE Trainer

The trainers were from the European Union supported Land Learning Initiative for Food Enhancement (LIFE) Project.

This article is original posted on Mekong Regional Land Governance