The Land of the Sky: Short stories about land, water and forest


From Global Association for People and the Environment (GAPE)

Nature created the earth, rivers and forests to be companions to the world’s peoples. If we are devoid of any of these, we will have no way of growing food or sustaining ourselves. Rural people are most closely connected to Nature. Their breath will be cut short if the earth is wounded, the rivers dry up, or the forests are destroyed. Country folks, some would argue, are the real backbone of the nation. They are the ones on whom we rely for our daily sustenance, and who keep the machinery of the economy turning by producing food for the local community and for export.

Times are changing and changes of natural resources and environment have impacts on livelihoods, especially to local people. So, to tell stories of those changes and provide some insight in contemporary rural life for thought, Global Association for People and the Environment (GAPE) supported to publish this book. A book of collected short stories written by secondary school students at Paksong Secondary College, Champasak Province.


Source: Website of Global Association for People and the Environment (GAPE)