PIASVC's 4th Training of Trainers on "Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI)"



From 8 to 12 August 2022, the Land Information Working Group (LIWG) in coordination with Helvetas Laos held a Training of Trainers on “Responsible Agricultural Investment”, the training is led by the main training team from the LIFE project, the training coordination team by the Law Development and Partnership Company and participated by the member organizations of LIWG that were selected to receive sub-grants from PIASVC project to implement the project in the target area of each organization.

This training is focused on helping participants understand responsible agricultural investment. The content of the training is aimed at the principles of responsible agricultural investment in the Lao PDR, compensation for damages, responsibility for the environment, labor policy, consultation and public participation, the role of women in policy and legislation, leasing and concession of land, and the principle of Free Prior Informed and Consent (FPIC) and others.

The special highlight of this training is to visit the target villages such as Nam Ngat Village and Namon Nue Village, so that the participants can learn the problems and real case studies from the villagers affected by the project in the area. This will be an experience for participants to implement activities in their project areas.

Also, the next training session of the PIASVC project will be held in September 2022 on agricultural contracts. Information related to the training will be published through LIWG's monitoring channel soon.

- Read more about PIASVC: https://laolandinfo.org/en/category/blog/news-update/